High-Light LineSpan.com Features!
· LineSpan has 20 Different Carriers to select from, great for PVA Diversification!
· Receive SMS messages with Silver-SMS package plan (perfect for lead generation and SMS only PVA creation). Easily receive your SMS to your email and SMS Reporting Logs in real-time!
· LineSpan has the ability to both Forward calls to any US phone # OR Record incoming calls and email them/ Listen instantly in your reporting logs!
· Easy group forwarding management for bulk LineSpan number routing on the fly.
· Minute and SMS balance pool account management for easy lead generation/tracking.
· Ability to generate toll free #'s instantly with multiple NPAs/prefixes (877, 888 etc..)
· Ability to generate local area phone numbers in 49 U.S. States instantly.
· Full reports in LineSpan reporting section for transactions, SMS (real-time), incoming call logs and voicemail history.